About us

Alexandra Thomas is a licensed psychologist, specialist in organizational psychology, coach and certified facilitator with a focus on leadership and team development. She works research-based and interactively with leadership at all levels. Customers are multinational organizations as well as smaller companies in, among others, the cultural sector as well as in health care, the automotive industry, lawyers and banking. Alexandra is bilingual and works in English and Swedish, nationally and internationally.
Alexandra has written a novel and writes scripts for television and film. She is associated with MySpeaker, has many years of experience as a regional manager and is co-owner of a leadership development company.
Phone: +46-737 80 26 68
linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandra-thomas-0a165869/
Leadership development
We work with leadership development at all levels. The efforts are developed in close collaboration with the customer and often run over time. Homework, pre-studies and learning groups are used to trigger lasting behavioral change. Theories and models are based on the latest leadership research with the goal of getting individuals and groups to reflect, challenge themselves and develop.
”If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more you are a leader”
Management team development
When working with management teams, clarity, trust and transparency are crucial for the team to develop. Moving from operational to strategic focus, finding ways for effective communication, collaboration, decision-making and clarifying roles are of great importance for a management team’s progress. Measurements and self-assessments clarify where the team is in its development. The efforts are interactive, strengthen the result and a proactive working climate.
Team development
We work with both conflict groups and high-performing teams and let relationships and psychological safety serve as a foundation for the results of the team. The focus is on how the group can create profitability and quality, work creatively, across borders and not get stuck in silos but instead act as a team.
Organizational development
We follow organizations closely, often for several years. Leadership, teamwork, communication and possible conflicts are mapped through in-depth interviews. The affected groups are then facilitated, trained or coached. In order to meet the needs of the organization, we also assist with Train the trainer arrangements, feedback and advice.
”The real leaders are the ones who encourage others, empathize and demonstrate compassion. Only such leaders have the ability to influence and maximize the potential of their people and organizations”
Coaching and manager support
Coaching and managerial support are offered for longer or shorter interventions. The coaching focuses on proactivity and behavioral change. Homework and articles are given for the best possible development.
We moderate leadership forums as well as conferences and smaller groups. The pre- and post-work is done thoroughly and in close collaboration to create inspiration and relevance.
Coaching leadership
Coaching leadership is often heard of, but does not mean it is effective in all situations. In this lecture you get tools, approaches and techniques for coaching leadership. You will gain an increased understanding of when and how coaching can be used and in which situations it is less suitable. Live coaching is mixed with practice, theories and models to create courage and willingness to use coaching, regardless of your role.
In the courses, you learn about and practice coaching leadership. You gain knowledge of what coaching is, why it is effective and in which situations it is most useful. We work interactively with questioning techniques, active listening, presence and structure. Reflection and discussion build a development contract and the exercises take place in a safe learning environment. Participants are encouraged to build networks for continued exchange of experience.
The complex working life puts high demands on leaders and employees who work with their own development and who can lead themselves. What does it mean to lead oneself and how can we act proactively in a constantly changing environment? Self-leadership assumes that there are reasonable conditions, but how is that created? In this lecture, you will be inspired to develop your self-leadership, in order to consciously cope with and contribute to the changeability and challenges of working life.
Brain smart leadership
How can we find flow in a working life that is often hectic and limitless? Sustainable leadership is about the balance between personal and professional activities and recovery that doesn’t just happen once a year on vacation. In this lecture, you will learn how to create a leadership that benefits both yourself and your employees’ well-being, results and performance. A leadership that works with, not against, the mechanisms of the brain.
Giving and receiving feedback can be experienced as uncomfortable and unfamiliar. Yet research shows that performance and well-being increase significantly in groups that have a vibrant feedback culture. In this lecture you will learn more about what feedback is and what effects it creates. You gain in-depth knowledge of success factors and pitfalls in developing and reinforcing feedback and how you can contribute to an active feedback culture.
Many people spend a big part of their working time in draining and ineffective meetings. Alexandra has extensive experience in designing and facilitating conferences as well as meetings for her own team of leadership developers. The lectures and trainings in facilitation integrate theory and methods with practical exercises. Alexandra also speaks at a program for specialist psychologists with the aim of creating effective and engaging meetings.
From working group to team
Building well-functioning teams is about strengthening the relationships between team members and getting them involved in the common mission. With the right conditions and knowledge, a work group has the opportunity to get out of silos, role confusion and conflict. In this lecture, you will learn about the building blocks that create high-performing teams and relationships that are characterized by trust and psychological safety. Leaders and groups in high-performing teams create quality and work creatively across borders with true collaboration.
Cognitive flexibility
When was the last time you changed a habit or routine? Humans are creatures of habit, but depending on what we do our neurons are strengthened and regenerated for life. There is always something we can improve or change in our work and personal life. By learning more about cognitive flexibility, you gain insight in how the brain works and how you can adapt to change and a working life characterized by complexity. The lecture is based on research and practical applications on how you can use, train and strengthen the muscles that contribute to cognitive flexibility.
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself”
“Having worked alongside Alexandra and seen the impact she makes from a distance it’s a pure pleasure to work with her as a vendor. She is profound and credible in everything she does but does not get stuck in theory and models, but knows how and why things need to move fast and has an agile and speedy, uncomplicated way of working that fits the purposes. She is adaptive and receptive to feedback and easy to partner with. She listens well and on top of that she is a really really good facilitator. I can highly recommend Alexandra and I am happy to partner with her for our present and future learning needs”
Hedvig Mossval, Associate Director Learning & Development, Spotify
”For several years, we have worked with Alexandra to develop our management team in a more strategic direction. When I reflect on the great progress we have made, and how the organization has grown, it is easy to see how strongly Alexandra contributed to our change journey. Alexandra has the ability to understand a situation and us as a management team in a very short time; where we are and in which areas we need to work further. She has a simple and choice-free, but at the same time effective, communication style and pushes us in the right direction. I can warmly recommend Alexandra to anyone looking for help in developing their management team”
Thomas Ortenberg, Vice President & General Manager, Emerson Automation Solutions
”Alexandra is one of the sharpest coaches I have worked with. She sees beyond what is happening in the room and handles people with a gentle but clear hand. She creates trust and results immediately and forever. A unique talent”
Kristina Rylén HR Manager Kappahl Sweden
“Alexandra is very professional and always conveys positive energy. In an excellent way, she creates tailored design where we work for change. Alexandra alternates lecture with exercise and reflection and builds a common thread through the workshops. With full focus she listens in and adapts the discussion to the group, regardless of size, and highlights the positive in every situation”
Per Ahlgren, Managing Director Rosemount Tank Radar
”Alexandra is always very professional and prepared. She gets to know the audience and understands what engages and activates them. Alexandra is close to laughter and humor and fearless and challenging, which means that she with vital commitment drives the group forward in a phenomenal way”
Lisa Callert, director of Business and Development & Exhibition and Coordination, Swedish Fair
”A meeting with Alexandra is like a vitamin injection of human love, wisdom and courage. She is true in her thoughts, which she offers generously and uncomplicatedly. If you want to experience research and joy in an understandable way – listen to Alexandra”
Anna-Lena Rikardsson, former CEO Hyper Island, entrepreneur at Strawberry Planet
Based on the scope and needs of the assignment, Creative compassion collaborates with other consultants and psychologists.
Henschel & Co- Organisation- and leadership development, lic. psychologist Charlotte Henschel
Impligo AB- Organisation- and leadership development, lic. psychologist Johan Möller
Medveten Kompetens- Team- and leadership development and coaching, Marit Lind
Move Management- Team- and leadership development
Ordrum- Lecturer, moderator, author and communication trainer, Erik Mattsson
Psykologbyrån Jones- Compassion focused leadership and therapy with lic. psychologist Gabriela Jones
Strawberry Planet- Anna-Lena Rikardsson and Jörgen Jonsson, founder of the team measuring instruments Team Quality Survey and Teambook
VIRKE management- Team- and leadership development, Fredrik Björklund
Videcio- Organisation- and leadership development, Lennart Wärmlind
TV series and film scripts in development
Customers in selection
Spotify, Maqs Advokatbyrå, Gothenburg Opera, Avalanche Studios, Stena Line, Mölnlycke Health Care, Aurobay, Pulsen Omsorg, AFRY, Linköping University, Roxtec International AB, Novo Energy AB (Northvolt and Volvo Cars)
Brené Brown- research about leadership, vulnerability, shame, courage and empathy www.brenebrown.com
Center for Social Sustainability (CSS), Karolinska Institutet supports and develops research on empathy, compassion, trust and altruism, www.ki.se/research/center-for-social-sustainability-css
Amy Edmundson- Harvard Professor of Leadership, www.amycedmondson.com
Psykologifabriken – lectures, behavior change and psychological gym, www.psykologifabriken.se
Inner Development Goals works with researchers, experts and leader developers for a sustainable and productive life in accordance with the UN’s climate goals for 2030, www.innerdevelopmentgoals.org
Mindshift works to find ways to promote mental health and well-being. The work takes place in co-creation with residents, civil society, the public sector and business, www.mindshiftsverige.se
Stanford University- The Center for Compassion and Altruism Education, www.ccare.stanford.edu
Stefan Söderfjäll – PhD in psychology with development concepts for teams, leadership and psychological capital, www.stefansoderfjall.com
The OTTO foundation works to increase young people’s mental health, www.otto2020.se
Suicide Zero, for a society without suicide www.suicidezero.se
The brain pod
Robert Keagan: Becoming a Deliberately Developmental Organization and The Five stages of Adult development
Simon Sinek – How to Lead in the 21st Century
The International Association of Facilitators (IAF)
The Swedish Association of Psychologists
National Association of Occupational and Organizational Psychologists